The Kameleon Office Booth by ASKIA Furniture

The Kameleon Office Booth is an versatile pod designed to adapt to suit different workspaces „like a chameleon does in nature”. It comes in different sizes and it is customized with a panel-based system, where different coloured elements are attached to and removed from the structural frame over time. The interior of the pod is in sound-proof felt panels that are attached using magnets and can be easily replaced. The system of changing the exterior panels is very quick and it does not require tools. You can obtain different visual looks on the same structural frame, from a minimalistic look to a more colorful look.

„We aimed to design the best consumer-friendly product on the market. This meant that our design must have the following attributes: versatility, flexibility, safety, easy to transport, to install or move around and environmentally friendly. With Kameleon, you are free to virtually explore countless assembly possibilities. Thanks to the modular system, Kameleon K2, K4, K6, K7 acoustic booths can be configured according to your needs and effortlessly upgraded in time. You can use our online configurator and obtain more than 10000 variations of pods. Because the „skin” of the Kameleon booth can be changed very easily, you can always redesign your acoustic booth by ordering from us only the cover panels. They also offer a perfect space to work privately or have phone calls. They will completely fade out even the loudest noises from your office, so that everyone can focus. When equipped with sound absorbing panels on the exterior, the pod becomes a veritable „noise catcher” for the whole office space.”
We design sharp and timeless solutions for ever-changing environments.

The uniqueness of our products stems from our innovative design approach, forward looking-techniques and an everlasting love for traditional craftsmanship. We understand the need for flexibility – our products have the ability to adapt to various materials, sizes and colors in accordance with our clients’ specific requests.